Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Big Fish in a Small (Koi) Pond [HW #26]

[Amanda "Gertrude" Yu]

What general patterns do you see in how "cool" people act or behave?
"Fun. Chill-axed. Different."

Who's the coolest person that you know?

"ME. LOL. i unno. everyones equally as cool. Kus like even if other people don't think that the buddies you hang out with is cool. Your their buddy and obviously you think they're cool kus you hang out with them."

Do you think it's important to have a mainstream view to be cool?

"I think im pretty special. Everyones special :-D"

Do you care about being cool? And what if someone called you a loser?
"Not really. Kus then you wont be cool. You'll be like everyone else. NON SPECIAL. coolios comes naturally ;-)"

":-( They'r delusional. I unno.. no one tells other peopel that they'r cool or not.. Its like a silent rule. Cool people dont call other people losers. they just call other people cool"


What are some characteristics of a cool person?
"Gotta talk the talk and walk the walk. Dont dress too much or too little."

Which one do you think is more important? the freshness or the attitude?
"I dont think it work if you dont have them both. But if i have to pick, i'll say the freshness" {Is there a reason that you'd pick that?} "Because everyone person consider "cool" have a different type of attitude."

Do you have any extra thoughts about "cool"?

"You have to stay cool wit things. Cant go OD and cant b carefree. Have control, but still flow with it."


Would you consider yourself cool? Do you think others think you're cool?
"Of course, man. I always got people to chill with wherever I go. If I wasn't cool, would they really hang out with me? And plus, you think I'm cool. Or else you wouldn't be interviewing me, right?"

So do you think being popular is the same as being cool?

"I think there are some people are well-known cause they're assholes, but that doesn't mean they're cool. So no, but I think being cool also means that you are liked by many people."

How big of a role does being cool play in your life?

I'm not like constantly worrying about impressing people, or getting people to like me. Matter of fact, fuck what other people think. If they like me, then they like me. If they don't, then oh well. It's just like, if people think I'm cool, then great. If not, then whatever.

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