Sunday, April 18, 2010

Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie [HW #48]

[Scene I]
His hand quickly moves the mouse. With his index fingers, he clicks the left button, and instantly he hears, "BOOM! HEADSHOT! RakShot wins the match for Red Team." As he watches the replay of his final shot, he gives the computer screen a giant smirk. Soon he hears, "Timothy, it's bed time." So he signs out of the game, turns off his computer, and goes into his bed. His mom comes into his room, tucks him in, and says "sweet dreams."

[Scene 2]
Timothy wakes up, and gets out of bed. Naturally, he goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and washes his face. Following the same routine everyday, he mindlessly goes to his closet and wears the same outfit that he wears everyday. After he is done, he heads down the stairs. He goes ahead and eats the breakfast that was already at the table set up for him. (Cliche scene). After a while, his mom says "Come on, it's time for school. I'm going to start the car." Timothy finishes his breakfast, and heads outside and into the car.

[Scene 3]
Timothy exits the car and starts heading to school. And as he is walking, his mom yells out "Have a good day at school." Naturally, Timothy pretends to not hear her, or at the very least not know her. So Timothy continues to walk up the stairs, through the crowded hallways, and finally gets to his classroom. Knowing that it will be an extremely long day, he gives an exasperated sigh just right before he enters the classroom.

[Scene 4]
The moment that he entered the classroom, he hears everyone talking- multiple conversations occurring at the same time. He sees people not sitting on their chairs, but on their desks. There is laughter everywhere. He also takes notice of how much taller everyone is compared to him. It does not take long before everyone sees Timothy walk in. They stare at him, and suddenly becomes quiet. Timothy looks around, scanning across the room with his eyes, and sees that all these people were silent because of him. And so, with his head down, he continues walking towards his desk, and sits down. He pulls out his notebook and pencils. As he is doing so, everyone returned to their conversations. So he just sits there and waits. Until suddenly, the clock strikes 8:30 and the bell rings. And all of the students falls silent and properly sits on their chairs within instants. Of course, Timothy was already doing so and all he did was wait. And once everyone was perfectly silent and still, that is when Timothy says, "Good morning class. I am Timothy Oswell and I am your professor for Psychology 101."

[Scene 5]
Timothy gives instructions to the students, and begins to teach the material. Meanwhile, all the students are chatting with one another, refusing to listen to Timothy. Timothy gets annoyed and puts down the books. He tells the students to listen to him and lectures them. He was always aware that his age might be an issue, in that it would result in a lack of respect from his students. So he addresses that issue without the students having to say anything. Right in the middle of his sentence, the bell rings indicating that the period ended. And instantly the students pack up their books and leave the classroom.

[Scene 6]
Timothy enters his room, and goes straight to the power button on his power. He takes off his bag, and changes his clothes as he waits for his computer to fully load. He sits down on his chair. He puts on his headset and pulls down his microphone. He signs onto his server, and enters the chat room. He says "So who are we dealing with today?" He begins playing his game, and as usual, he is dominating the other team.

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