Monday, May 31, 2010

Parenting 102 [HW #58- Draft]

[Part 3]
Similar to Margarrete, my parents seem to be settling for mediocrity. While Margarrete’s goal was to raise kids that were “honest, humble, and hardworking” my mom just wishes that I’m respectful of my elders, and don’t cause any trouble for anybody. But then again, they are constantly telling me about their grand retirement plans and grand houses, sponsed by me, of course. But it seems that parents lowered their standard, possibly to set a wall for themselves in case their child fails to exceed all others. So wanting their children to be honest, humble, hardworking or respectful is just the minimal- the very basic construct of the child. Meanwhile, wanting the nice house with the koi ponds is their hope. It’s not that parents do not want their children to achieve excellence, and reap their childrens excellence, it’s that they’d rather not be disappointed when it does not actually happen.

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