Monday, September 14, 2009

HW #3 [Version 2]

On the serious note:

Evidently, it seems like there is a consensus that digitalization has its ups and downs. From what I've read on other blogs and heard in class discussions, some of the main advantages of using such technology are:

Maintaining faraway relationships, storing/documenting our lives into a database, broadcasting the days of our lives- allowing the people who are remotely interested, able to get the daily newsfeed, connecting with others in a much more convenient way, spreading knowledge across the world, and getting our grades through posting these blogs, which allows Andy to read, judge, and give them numeric values.

While some of the main disadvantages are:

Consuming many, many hours of our lives, while looking at a rectangular stimulator, hiding behind the walls of our homes, forfeiting the realism of a conversation, expressing without really expressing, and being at risk of failing for those who cannot meet the standard that requires us to post our homework on

Obviously, everyone is well aware of how dominant digitalization and techonology is, in terms of our lives. But why is that everyone continues to allow this to happen? Well, we can blame it on our society as a whole, just like we do with much of other issues in life, but how is that we can't take control of how we spend the very limited hours of our lives, but everyone else can? I think that everyone continues to use technology, because they believe it's an absolute necessity. Without using technology, we cannot survive in society. If we cannot survive in society, we cannot survive, period... Since when did technology join the water, food, and oxygen?

How much of this is connected with our dominant way of life, and just going with the flow?


  1. I enjoyed the summary of the idea's said in class, which i don't think i included in my paper. There are possible ideas for a future edit in my blog drawing from the ideas you just summarized. Very clever with the "since when did technology join the water, food, and oxygen?". The ending question really got me thinking "How much of this is connected with our dominant way of life, and just going with the flow?". My answer to this is that it is completely connected, if everyone is connected in some way everyone will listen and interact with everyone. Thoughts and ideals become similar and we have ourselves a dominant way of life.

    To your sort of analysis or thought paragraph after the summaries, "But why is it that everyone continues to allow this to happen?" They don't allow it to happen, i believe that people are not aware of it or how much their lives have been digitized. I also believe that people do not have this idea of tech being a necessity, it is simply a median to communicate without having to face real life. Like if your boss pisses you off, you can rant about him online and he'll never know.

    Overall this was a good post, but i would like to have some of your thoughts on the things said in class, not just listing them out. But also some examples for your analysis paragraph so that i can get a clearer picture of what you mean by "absolute necessity". Also the last question "just going with the flow?"what do you mean by that?I'll be looking forward to your next post and i would like if you wrote a response to this comment answering my questions and disputing with my statements.

  2. Thanks for giving us a kind of double view on the subject, making it evident that we shouldn't make our decisions until we know fully what both sides of the argument are. That we need to see the big picture and not blindly pick sides. Thanks, brosef.

    To restate the point I guess I would just say that I gathered that the negatives seem to outweigh the positives. Also, that technology has become so second-nature to us that it is almost natural at this point.

    I think I can see connections with this to our class discussions, how there were different people split down the middle about how to regard technology, though I am sure most of us could agree that it comes natural to us. I am sure every student in Andy's class has a cell phone, and most of them use it 3-4 times a day. (Connecting to the fact that we can't survive in society without technology)

    Maybe you could elaborate a little on the two sides? Right now you have a good, solid foundation, but you might want to add on a few balconies, maybe a dayroom to the design.

    Reesies peacies, I'm gonna go play Warcraft, see you in 9 months.

  3. @ John L

    Thanks for your in-depth response to the questions mentioned in my blog. I also appreciate that you brought in some of your ideas from your blog, and connected it with mine. More specifically, it was when you said, "They don't allow it to happen, i believe that people are not aware of it or how much their lives have been digitized." I can see how you used the focus of your blog- separation between the digital world and the real world- to answer my question.

    Your comment about me elaborating on ideas and providing examples was helpful. Since reading this comment, in addition to Gavin's, I've been considering making another draft of this blog. And rereading my blog now, I can see that I definitely need to add more of my thoughts into this blog, rather than just summarizing the things said in class, as you said.

    In response to:
    - What you mean by "absolute necessity"- Well, what I meant when I said "absolute necessity," was that people have to keep up with the rest of the world. And if they don't, everyone else would have the upper hand on your, and you would fall behind.

    -"Just going with the flow?" what do you mean by that?- It means having/doing something just because everyone else is doing it. In this case, it would be using technology because that's what everyone else is doing.

    - "Like if your boss pisses you off, you can rant about him online and he'll never know."- 'Never' might be the wrong word choice. Go to Esther's blog and click on the video link.

    From what I can tell, from your blog and comments in comparison to mine (as well as the rest of the class) is that our lives are constantly being surrounded by digitalization. However, you seem to be more concerned with the human response to this fact, whereas I want to know why it plays such a big role anyways? And how can we escape it.

    One question that we can both ask, in response to what seems to be our focus, would be: Why is "that people are not aware of it or how much their lives have been digitized"? And is that really true? Do we actually know that fact? And if yes, why is it that we continue to allow this outside force to dominate our lives?

  4. @ John Galt:

    Appreciate the constructive criticism. I'm not going to argue; I definitely need to add those "balconies."

    In addition to adding more flavor to the blog, your comment that related the class pattern and my post was helpful. I can see how people, in general, blindly picks a side while they do things that just completely contradicts "their side." And like you said, some people might choose to badmouth technology in our class, but regardless they still use their phones or whatever several times a day.

    I guess for a post with more of a design, you should read my first version for this assignment. I would like to believe that I put on more of a perspective in that one.

    "We shouldn't make our decisions until we know fully what both sides of the argument are"- Is this really possible? I think we'd probably have to settle for less, in this case.

    For this assignment, I think we emphasized on similar points. Our posts are mostly about our constant usage of technology. Although, you seem to go in more details about the actual process of using the technology, and how we are able to project ourselves more through the internet/texting/whatever.

    Why are we living our lives through technology? And is it really a bad thing? And who's to say?
