Saturday, September 12, 2009

There's An App For That Too [HW #3]

Oh yeah, technology is great. It just makes everything so convenient. If I have ever have an urge to just express myself, doing so is always within my reach. All I have to do is pull out my phone, and go on either Facebook, Twitter, AIM, or Myspace (I usually go on all of them; more people will be able to see it that way), and just update my status. But the best part of this is that people can comment on my life, and give me their thoughts about it. As long as I have my phone and service, I'm never alone. It's great.

With technology, I can filter out all the people that I want to interact with. Some people are just so annoying, and won't stop talking about themselves. Like we don't need to know about everything that goes on in your life. We do not need a constant update on your life. But with technology, I don't have to deal with it.

Our digitalized environment gives us some many possibilities. I can always stay connected with friend, and see what they're up to. I mean, I can always just meet up with them, but that's just too much of a hassle. With the current online social networking, I can chat with them whenever, even if they're not on their computers. And another great thing about this is that I can always look stuff up about school work.

Some people might call this obsessive, but honestly, I don't see anything wrong with it. If we are provided with this type of technology, we should use it. Why take the long road when we are given the short cut? We're not really compromising anything through digitalization. Well, aside from facial and vocal expression, but that can be replaced with :D. And almost everyone is using texting, AIM, Facebook, etc. If it was honestly bad for us, then why is it that everyone is doing it. I think we should just be thankful for this technology, and for our opposable thumbs that help us text.