Sunday, September 27, 2009

On the Go

Digibetes from Andy on Vimeo.

* What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?
I think it turned out better than I expected, but there were still a lot that could have been better (e.g. the masking, my efficiency in making the video, etc.) But watching the video, and trying to recall the events, it seems like I don't really have to try really hard, before I would give up. It's kind of like trying to solve a puzzle, with the answer in your pocket. We naturally choose the faster route and reach into our pockets. Having this video on my computer and on the internet, I do not have to visualize or memorize anything. Everything is within the reach/clicks.

* When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?

The only physical activities in this video are: walking, button mashing, and inserting keys into keyholes. Being the way that it is, I'm fine with it. This is supposed to be a video about DRD, and I made it my objective to attempt to completely separate my life from my digital life. Based on my response to this question, I have failed.

* Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?
No. But I don't think our parents did either, but look at us now.

* What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?

You're much cooler in the device.

* What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?

Things, such as the Wii, are our confessions, saying that digital stuff is bad for us, and physical activity is good for us, but we do not want to dramatically change the way we live. This whole digitalization and Wii stuff seems oddly familiar to the birth unit that we did last year. People realize something is wrong, and that there is a better alternative to it. So therefore, they settle in between. Good job.


  1. AHHHHDEEEEEE! Que paso, brother?

    I Really dig this video, regardless of the unorthodox fashion it was done.

    It made me think, being as I was so focused on your game of tetris that I forgot to notice the background, and I missed some things, almost missed the Astro-Boy Cosplayer. I also thought it was really cool that you were able to screen the footage of you playing the game over you walking ith the camera in hand.

  2. I enjoyed this video, it sent a clear message where as everybody else just took a video of they sitting in front of a computer. And i know that this took a lot more editing than i probably did, so really nice job. Too bad you had to make another video cause it was a video with a message.

    I agree with Gavin, i was more focused on your tetris game rather than what was going on around you. After watching it a second time, i heard "Yo, what's good?" and "What up Astro-Boy" or something along those lines.

    In my video i was trying to show a similar message. Basically while walking on the Beach i did not notice anything while on the Beach and i did not even really notice what I was listening too. I was just walking around. Note: i also do not notice the world around me when i'm playing some kind of portable game like the psp.

    I would like you to elaborate on your answer for the question "Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?". Sure our parent's want us to be off this shit, but why and why wouldn't you want your kids to do it? The wii, thing is it a good thing or a bad thing? Personally i think it's a bad thing cause you're getting even more into the game/digital stuff, where your whole body is actually moving and dictating what goes on in the game.

    Based on my video and your video I'm drawing the conclusion that we're both trying to say that people live their life in a blur.Yours is a clear example where even the person watching it doesn't see what's going on around the psp. My last segment, even when you're on the beach with your ipod you don't notice shit. Not even the very words that you listen to. Hope your redone video is just as good or even better, might even comment on that one too.

  3. I think your other video was cooler....

    I actually did not really understand what you meant in your first response. You said you did not need to try really hard... doing what, before giving up... on what?

    You want to stay away from the DRDs but as seen in your video, you were in contact with at least two of them. Good point about how our parents do not want us on computers yet we still are and probably in the future, kids will be doing the same thing. Wiis are game consoles that allow us to still be stimulated by DRDs while getting exercise.

    That actually remind me of the analysis over time. There is the thesis (the fact that we are entertained by video games) and there is the antithesis (the fact that video games are keeping us from being active). Then Wii comes along and takes aspects from both the thesis and the antithesis; Wii is the higher synthesis.

    You might want to expand on your second to last question. On the internet, people cannot really tell if you are being sarcastic. You have a spelling error too: last response "uni".

    If our parents do not want us on computers but we still do go on them, and we do not want kids in the future to be on computers, does that mean that they will definitely be on computers? It sounds as if you think it is inevitable for kids in the future to be on computers. Will we or should we be the ones to set a model for people in the future?

    And lastly, you gotta teach me some editing skills one day.

  4. @ John L

    It is quite clear that you took your time viewing my video, being that you went back to see some of those minor details in the background. I appreciate the fact that you appreciate my video.

    Thanks for summing up some of your points from your blog/video, and incorporating that into your comments. I had an impression that there were some parallelisms between your video/blog and mine. So it was helpful that you wrote out exactly what those similarities were.

    I partially agree with you when you said "even when you're on the beach with your ipod you don't notice shit. Not even the very words that you listen to." We are in fact less aware of our surroundings when we are being consumed by technology. However, I do think that we do listen to the words that are playing our ipods. But we just don't process the information that they represent.

    This entire video and the last section of your video seem to portray the same idea; one that says, like you said, "people live their life in a blur." But it seems like I focused more on sending out this message, rather than making a more personal video like yours.

    Based on this cycle of comments, it seems like we're both interested in why we perceive video games and other digital devices as bad- "Why wouldn't you want your kids to do it?" is a question that would be good to ask. Personally, I think it's more important to return the most original state as possible, and I guess DRDs bring us further from achieving that goal.

  5. @ John Galt

    Thanks for the props, and for letting me know I was successful in sending my message, in a diggable fashion.

    I was going to try and BS the crap outta me to make this into an ABCDEF comment, but I don't think it's doable. So I'm going to save that potential energy for Maggie's comment.

  6. @ mAggIE

    Hey, thanks for commenting. I appreciate that you gave so much attention to the stuff I wrote, especially to all the minor things. Most people seem to just drift towards the video.

    =Referring to: "Sounds as if you think it is inevitable for kids in the future to be on computers" & "On the internet, people cannot really tell if you are being sarcastic."=
    Your perception of my blog and the tone that I used was very helpful for me. It seems like I should be aware about how readers are reading this, especially since my writing does not appear to be representational of my voice (and that not all readers know me). I also want to thank you for bringing back up the "analysis over time." I think really think of relating that idea with our current unit. But, from your explanation, it seems like there are definitely some connections.

    Like I said in "H," I will begin to look at how the thesis->anti-thesis->synthesis will play a role in this unit and this portion of our lives.

    *"You said you did not need to try really hard... doing what, before giving up... on what?"- I was referring to not trying really hard to recall the events of my life that I filmed/took a picture of.

    *"It sounds as if you think it is inevitable for kids in the future to be on computers. Will we or should we be the ones to set a model for people in the future?"- I think it is inevitable. And I think we would be pretty bad models, in terms of avoiding DRDs, for the future generation. Also, I think the next generation is already having a head start. More and more kids are now able to operate DRDs at a younger age. At least from my observations and my "frame of reference" (hehe).

    Comparing your video and blog (mostly blog) to my video and blog, I see that we differ in how consumed (or how much we think we are) by DRD. In your blog, you said that "facebook gets boring, my MMORPG gets boring after a while, and AIM sometimes gets boring too (when you are not talking to anyone)." It's kind of like, you're able to take a step back, and see that these things are not fulfilling their roles. On the contrary, my video represents that no matter where you are or what you're doing, DRD will always be there, as your main focus.

    Perhaps, a question that we might share would be: What kind of role will DRDs play in the future. Oh and, I'll see about what I can do about your "editing skills."

  7. That is one unique way of looking at this issue; to think that it is inevitable and to not do anything about it. If that is what you think, then I would suggest you getting the Wii even if you think it is currently a waste of your money because in the future, your kids needs this "higher synthesis". Your kids will eventually need to be more active even in the DRD environment.
