Sunday, November 1, 2009

Outline (comments pl0x) [HW #16]

Introduction: It can agreed that digitalization has in fact taken over many aspects of our lives. The things we see, the things we listen to, the way we interact- they've all been manipulated so that it can be more accessible to us through digital representational devices (DRDs). Anyone would, of course, tell you that they are well aware that these stimulations are not authentic and are distorting our perception of world. However, we continue to obsessively use these DRDs, neglecting our realizations about digitalization- as though, our thoughts should not matter when we're submerging ourselves into this world. We are imprisoned by our own way of digitalization. We knowingly continue to live our faux-lives, returning to our internet profiles regardless of what our thoughts and feelings tell us.

Argument #1: It's our way of life. We feel as though the internet is a necessity to survive in society. It has become the standard way of communication. We've already accepted DRDs as a part of our lives, therefore we consistently return to it. "That's just how it is" (Interview Blog). Evidence: Other blogs ("Just because he found something good about the internet, like learning how to problem solve computer errors through logic, doesn't rule out the sad fact that the internet has become the default playground of our society.", Feed (the tension of when the characters speak using physical movements), Wall-E (going along the set-track while talking to a screen, representing his friend floating next to him).

Argument #2: The sanctuary is behind the glowing screen. We strive to be in a place that is both comfortable and empowering- and what better place is there than the internet? We can control our identities, manipulate other's perceptions, pick out what we see and hear, be cool. Evidence: Everything Bad is Good For You, Interview Blog (Pinkberry- being funnier), Other Blogs

Argument #3/Alt. POV: We focus primarily on the benefits of the internet: socializing/reconnecting with friends researching. By looking at what DRDs can do for us, we try and neglect what it can do to us. We see the DRDs, especially the internet, as an opportunity to grow- but the thing is that we never take hold of those opportunities. Evidence: Everything Bad is Good For You (we're given even more excuses to play video games, watch television, and use the internet), LA Times (increase in sources of education does not correlate with our intelligence), Feed (the characters are dumb, even though information is so accessible)

Conclusion: There is always a tug that draws us back to DRDs. This tug may not be a strong one, as it is not something forces us to return to our digital homes, but we do allow ourselves to give into it.


  1. I love the organisation, you're very adamant on what your ideas are for the paper, and you seem dead set on your PsOV. Not to mention your wording, liek before, is super tight. I dig it, triad brother.

  2. Really like the 3rd argument/Alt Pov. I think since you're talking about how there is always "a tug that draws us back to DRDs." you should talk about solutions or why the solutions that have been suggested previously never actually worked. I don't think you really spoke about the negative effects of the DRDs on the human other then it tugs at our life.
